Performance Improvement 

Changing Management through Performance Improvement

  • Coaching toward effective leadership – we apply strategic probing to unlock leadership potential for personal or professional growth goals.
  • Fostering mentoring relationships – we provide transformational support for individuals to reach personal or professional growth goals
  • Professional Development – we provide formal and informal practice-based learning and specialized training
    • Staff/Individual Training – Professional development with staff or individuals for professional growth and job application.
    • Train-The-Trainer – Professional development for employers who train co-workers.

Growth Strategies 

Managing by applying Growth Strategies – includes transparency, effective communications, staff engagement, attainable goals, authenticity, affirmations, and celebrations.

  • Applying Growth Strategies through
    • Conference Speaking & Presentation
    • Motivational Speaking
    • Consultancy & Thought Partnerships
  • Facilitation
    • Manage the communications process to reach consensus & problem solving
    • Ensure all voices are heard
    • Protect meeting integrity
    • Ensure the relevant issues are addressed.

Get Started Today.

Growing Forward utilizes structure and system and provide support to obtain your desired growth.